For 50 years, Albany Bakeries has been a staple in South African homes bringing smiles to lunch boxes, comfort to pregnancy cravings, sustenance to those late night snacks, peace of mind to wives, mothers and grandmothers, and joy to the heart of every South African.
In these strange times that we find ourselves in, consumers tend to gravitate towards brands that they trust. This trust is built on the foundation of the quality of the product and brand innovation.
“Traditionally, South Africans are brand loyalists. They will eat and trust Albany bread because their family has done so for generations. However, our consumer base is shifting towards a generation that values innovation and product quality. If companies do not embrace this, they run the risk of losing customers,” says Lorraine de Graaff, Marketing Director at Albany.
Packaging is key
Over the years, Albany has always been taking a fresh approach to its packaging, and we are doing it again.
The trust that consumers have in brands is based on the memories that were created with those brands, those special bonds that tie us to those that we love. Studies show that nostalgia is very powerful. A lot of first memories are created in the kitchen. A mother making their favourite sandwich for their child, a father helping their children make that special breakfast in bed for their mother on their birthday or Mother’s Day. Food is a powerful tool to create memories.
Another significant factor that influences the consumers purchasing decision at a time when we are dealing with a worldwide pandemic, is product integrity. Customers need to know that their family will be safe and that their beloved product has not been tampered with in any way. “This is why our tamper proof seal is a vital component of our new packaging. Customers can be assured that not only will the quality of their product be guaranteed, but the integrity of that product is maintained,” says De Graaff.
All these factors are major considerations when deciding to refresh a brand. This is a decision that takes a long time and a lot of research. “Refreshing our packaging is a major step for the company,” says De Graaff, “one of the most important factors that come into play is, Will the trusted product, that you regard as your favourite, still be the same after any change? Albany promises its loyal customers that the quality of the product that they have trusted over the years has not changed.”
Feel the love, feel the freshness
While Albany Bakeries works tirelessly to guarantee the quality of its product, it also feels that it has a responsibility to give back to the community that it serves. Over the years, Albany Bakeries have rolled out an extensive community service programme to give back to South Africans.
“The love that Albany Bakeries has for the community is something that corporate South Africa can draw inspiration from. Their vision and mission of feel the love, feel the freshness is really embodied in the work that they do, it is not just a value that the company has. They live it. We drew on this for the inspiration of the new packaging that consumers will see in the future,” says Richard Seegers, Director of Bergefarrell Design who were in charge of the design of the new packaging.
Join us on the journey
Over the past 50 years, Albany has shared a lot of wonderful memories with South Africans. Times have changed, and so has our brand. “The modern consumer is an experience-based consumer. Loyalty is given to brands that enhance the customer experience. Consumers value brands that allows the public to interact with it and become a part of the brands journey and story,” says De Graaff.
The new look packaging coincides with our 50th birthday celebrations, Albany is asking the public to celebrate with the company by wishing us a happy 50th birthday on our social media platforms. And that is not all, you also stand a chance of winning R50 000.
Consumers can go onto Albany Bakeries social media platforms to participate in the competition.
“Albany is 50 years old. That is 50 years of celebrating and growing together. Albany now has a fresh, new look. Things have changed, but one thing has not, that great Albany quality you can trust!” says De Graaff.
Albany – Feel the love, feel the freshness.