The softest rolls, smothered in a variety of garnishes, dripping with sauce or simply all extras removed for the traditional taste, burgers continue to be a firm favourite for South Africans. Now, Uber Eats has compiled the list of the nation’s favourite flavour combinations, additions, subtractions and down-right quirky requests when it comes to the world-famous sandwich dish. 

Best Burgers 

Tough days, cheat meals and well-deserved spoils can only be commemorated with the very best in taste and flavour, and in South Africa, locals chowed down on multiple cheeseburgers, as this was the most ordered burger. Variations included the removal of tomatoes and the added slice of cheese making the already delicious fan favourite even more desirable. 

A bacon cheeseburger was a close second followed by chilli chicken bun. These honourable mentions prove that South Africans take the basic bun and truly make it the supreme sandwich. 

Burgers are the meal for any type of day and go down great at any time. Locally, the most popular ordering time is 18:00 PM with thousands of orders coming through, while lunchtime snackers at 12:00 PM was a close second. 

Favourite Flavours 

While the old-school burger consists of a protein staple topped with a mayo-whip, lettuce and trimmed with fresh tomato, locals are anything but basic in taste. No stock-standard ground round will do. The spicier the better, with the most popular addition being chilli, ordered in the variations of hot to extreme, while favourite sauces included garlic mayo and BBQ. 

No trimmings left unused, fried onions and traditional gherkins were among the most requested while it seems that not everyone loves tomato, as this was the most common ingredient left off. 

Lekker in Lockdown 

As everyone adjusts to this new way of living, homes have become safe spaces and with Uber Eats, staying fed is convenient. During the lockdown, most popular burger orders included the classic beef burger and a crispy chicken and mayo burger. With the app’s leave at door policy, all orders are dispatched via contactless delivery, making satisfying any hamburger hankering as good as done. Another new feature has been added to the app, allowing customers to easily send treats and share the status of delivery with a simple tracking link.

It’s the ultimate customisable meal, that’s strong enough to stand on its own, or perfect with some chips. Be it simple and traditional, bunless or double, gourmet or vegan, there is a burger for anyone this International Hamburger day and it’s just a tap away with Uber Eats!