It is hard to deny the evidence of climate change when you read the news this year. In South Africa the severe rainfall and unprecedented flooding in April led to loss of lives and homes and now Europe is experiencing soaring temperatures, with fires causing loss of life and impacting agriculture. The media has coined the phrase “heatflation” to describe the resulting impact on the price of food.
China is another region battling with unexpected temperatures, and concerns over crop failures is pushing up the price of pork. The impact of droughts in Latin America has had a huge impact on agriculture – affected soybean harvests, sunflower oil production and more.
While climate change is a macro challenge that affects us all around the globe, there are micro challenges to be faced daily – in the form of pathogens. Food producers and manufacturers need to address the constant issue of ensuring food safety, protecting against foodborne pathogens that put both products and brands at risk. We did some research this month on the key pathogens that are the culprits for food safety recalls across the globe to find out which are the biggest threats. Knowledge is power, so make sure to read Part 1 of this article and watch out for Part 2 next month where we look at the newest and best ways that laboratories can help organisations mitigate those pathogen risks.
It is easy to look at all these hazards and obstacles and get overwhelmed with pessimism, but I was encouraged by the words of my friend and partner in business, Adele Krogh, who said, “Yes, we can become very negative with everything that is getting more expensive and about the shortages – but the change lies within our choices.” I love that – the change lies within our choices.
In this issue you will also find some examples of ways that your choices can change things – whether that be changing your packaging for sustainability, redesigning your products to meet changing consumer trends, implementing novel dry-cleaning practices to protect your facility, or teaming up with influencers to promote your products.
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