Read your September 2024 Food & Beverage Reporter Magazine

Spring into a Season of Food Safety and Innovation.

Spring is in the air! As we welcome the arrival of September, we’re stepping into a season of renewal, warmer weather, and the opportunity for fun in the sun.

 It’s also the perfect time to turn our focus toward food safety innovations. This edition is packed with insights, advancements, and industry leaders driving the future of food safety.

We are thrilled to showcase VEGA, which leads the way with innovative solutions. Producing premium fruit concentrate committed to quality and efficiency demands precise density control, ensuring that flavours meet the highest safety standards. VEGA’s forward-thinking solutions provide the accuracy and reliability to meet these challenges. Talk about a spring full of flavour!

With their top-tier analysis and testing equipment, Anton Paar, is pushing the boundaries of food safety. Their cutting-edge lab technology plays a crucial role in ensuring the highest standards of food quality and safety across the industry. With their innovative solutions, Anton Paar is helping companies stay ahead in a rapidly evolving landscape.

Heat and Control is also featured in this edition, with tools designed to enhance food safety management systems. Their metal detector technology is just one example of how they make food production safer every step. Be sure to check out their latest advancements and see how they can empower you to take your safety protocols to the next level.

We celebrate Flexicon, an industry pioneer in bulk handling equipment and systems, as they mark 50 years of innovation. Their contributions have made food handling safer and more efficient, and we thank them for their continued excellence.

Don’t miss this month’s article in our Food Focus series for new food business owners, focusing on “starting with the end in mind.” We offer insights on how to align your business decisions with a genuine commitment to food safety, setting you up for long-term success.

As spring blossoms around us, it’s a season of new beginnings and growth—much like the continuous advancements in food safety. With the insights of this month’s issue, we’re entering this spring with renewed energy and a commitment to keeping our food systems safe, efficient, and full of flavour!

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