This World Hunger Month, non-profit organisation, FoodForward SA (FFSA), has partnered with South African retailer Food Lover’s Market to encourage shoppers to donate a healthy, nutritious meal for only 68 cents.

More than 30 million people living in South Africa face food insecurity. The greatest food insecurity happens at the household level. Every day, parents skip meals, so their children don’t go hungry. 

This dire situation is expected to worsen, as climate instability, supply-chain challenges, and the conflict in Ukraine threaten to drive food costs even higher.

“Food insecurity is a serious issue plaguing South Africans – something we want to highlight during World Hunger Month,” says Andy du Plessis, FoodForward SA’s Managing Director. “That’s why we’re giving Food Lover’s Market shoppers the opportunity to buy a meal at the till points for someone in need.”

FoodForward SA feeds more than 800 000 vulnerable people every day. It partners with farmers, manufacturers and retailers who have a surplus of quality food. During the 2021-2022 fiscal year, they distributed 48 million meals through its network of 2 225 beneficiary organisations across the country.

A mere 68c is all it costs to provide a meal for someone in need – this includes the cost of the food, warehousing, the logistics and the team. 

“For a few cents, we can ensure that a nourishing meal makes it onto the table of a vulnerable person,” says Du Plessis. “On World Hunger Day on 28 May, Food Lover’s Market has also generously committed to matching every meal donation by a shopper at their tills.”

Shoppers will be able to choose the scale of their donation: R0,68 for one meal, R3,40 for five meals, and just R6,80 for 10 healthy, nutritious meals.

The past few years have been particularly challenging for South Africans, with the most vulnerable feeling the brunt of the pandemic and the economic downturn.

“With more than 30 million people suffering from food insecurity, we must work together to eradicate hunger and malnutrition,” urges Du Plessis. “Your contribution of just 68c will provide a meal for someone in need, so let’s fight hunger together!”